Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What It's All About

The name of the blog comes from an e-mail newsletter I used to send out some years ago, when I was working under the name of Lilith Mageborn. I love trees and groves, and people have gathered in groves since the dawn of Time to learn, to communicate, to participate. (I took the photograph of the mossy tree at Filoli Gardens near Redwood City in northern California about a year ago.)

The primary focus of In Lilith's Grove is the metaphysical (mediumship, astrology, tarot, etc.) but I'll also delve into other areas of interest, and I encourage you to ask questions! I will also post my rates, and I'm in the process of developing classes at home in Fullerton as well as in Lakewood. Other teachers, psychics, and artists will also be highlighted.

It's a wonderful and glorious world out there and I encourage each and every one of you to follow your passions and to always ask questions and let the answers take you where they may!

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