Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Forthcoming workshops and events!

Here's what's happening for February...

Monday, February 21 2-5 pm - Enjoy your holiday with this Lakewood spirit circle! Bring an open mind, expect the unexpected, and prepare to be reunited with loved ones, friends or animal companions. There is never a dull moment in my circles, with laughter, tears, validation and the joy of being connected with the Other Side. Maximum of 10, $50 per person.

Saturday, February 26 6-8 pm - "Comedium" Charles Filius comes to my Fullerton place for a spirit circle! Yes, I just loooove to put my feet up and enjoy other mediums' readings - he's a regular at my place! He brings an abundant dose of humor to every circle he does. Maximum of 8, e-mail for price. If you want to know more about him, check the link on the right side of the blog for the Extra Large Medium.

Sunday, February 27 2-4 pm - Astrology Demystified - Bring your questions to this Lakewood event! Why doesn't the description of your sign seem to fit you? What's this about a 13th sign? Could you be compatible with someone else even when the books say otherwise? Why do newspaper horoscopes seem to hit the nail on the head sometimes and other times be totally inaccurate? And much more! Bring your birth date, time and place and you'll get a mini-reading (the more accurate the time, the better and I'll explain why). $30 per person, no maximum.

As always, I'm available for private readings and spirit circles at your home or mine anywhere in the Southland.

For reservations, directions and information, please e-mail me at See you there! - Sue

Friday, February 4, 2011

What Happens in a Spirit Circle?

What is a spirit circle, anyway? It's the setting in which mediums do their work with a group of people. But it's so much more than that.

I sit in a room with anywhere from three to ten people loosely circled around me. It can be folding chairs in a circle, or it can be someone's living room where everyone is comfortably scattered around. Even a kitchen table or counter works just as well!

Usually, I'll start by talking a little bit about how I came to be a medium eleven years ago and how - near as I can figure out - it works. I also ask people not to volunteer much information because I have to bring through information from the other side, information I would not normally know about, in order to validate that this is indeed the person coming through. So initially, I prefer yes, no, or I don't understand answers. Inevitably we get to a point where I do have to ask some questions to sort out the information and people coming through.

Whether I'm talking to one person or ten people, you bring so many people with you who are anxious to communicate with you, using me as an intermediary. So often, two people sitting side by side will each have someone on the other side with very similar occupations, looks, names, whatever - and I have to spend a few minutes sorting that out. With a lot of people in the room, sight unseen, it is like a party atmosphere - and sometimes I have to ask them to turn it down so I can focus on the one person coming through.

How do I do it? How do they communicate through me? I've been asked, "are you possessed?" No. Absolutely not. The best way to describe it all is that it's a team effort between me, my guides, the people coming through (and sometimes their guides). I've tried describing it as sort of moving myself over a bit and we all work in tandem. So often I've likened this to using a dial radio - turning the knob and getting static until I tune into a station - and sometimes it's faint, other times it's loud.

I'm given images, phrases, stream-of-consciousness information, and sometimes I'll literally "see" something or someone. It's up to me to translate all of this into information that I can relay to the person in the group. Other times, I'll unexpectedly display a physical mannerism or exactly repeat a phrase the deceased person said. And, yes, it is a struggle at times to understand what someone is trying to relay to me because of the strength of the connection, or lack of strength. Other times, that person just can't stop talking and will keep wanting to talk even when I'm working with another person - they are that excited and enthusiastic about being able to finally touch bases with their loved ones here!

What can you expect from me? I never, ever let anyone leave without a connection. I know too well how it feels not to have someone come through for me at all. So I'm determined, even if we run into overtime, to have everyone connect. You can expect me to be blunt sometimes, and if you're skeptical or not being open-minded, you bet I'll call you on that - because those attitudes block the energies from flowing smoothly on either end. You won't hear me saying "Um, I'm getting a 'J' name..." - my guides and I have agreed that this does not work at all. Either I get a name (or an approximation thereof) or no name at all. I'm telling you like it is, I'm telling you what I'm getting. However...there is one exception to that. Sometimes someone will come through with information that is very private, that might be painful or embarassing or just inappropriate for a public setting. The first time that this happened, Spirit drew black, gauzy curtains across that and I told the person that this information was too private for so public a setting. We had a private reading later on and what I saw and brought through confirmed of the hardest and most painful readings I've ever done in my years as a medium. Spirit and I work closely together to make sure the information is appropriate for a public setting, and I always let the person know. It is up to them to decide if they want a private reading or not.

There are no guarantees that the person you want to hear from will actually come through. I cannot emphasize this enough. Really. And I know I speak for most, if not all, mediums when I say this. You will hear from the people you need to hear from and that doesn't always translate into the people you want to hear from. Coming in with a deep desire to hear from Uncle Elmer or Momma also creates a blockage of energies. If it is mutually agreed between Momma or Uncle Elmer and Spirit, then they'll come through. I have no control whatsoever over that. However, at the end, it's OK to ask me if I can connect with Momma or Uncle Elmer. I can try. But the people who come through are the ones who need to come through. Sometimes they need to make amends, sometimes they want to especially thank you for a kindness (no matter how small) or sometimes it's for a very unusual reason.

And, oh yes, I bring through dogs, cats and horses and other animals. They were so often members of the family, and they loved you so unconditionally that they come through and let you know they are still around one way or another. Whoever wrote "The Rainbow Bridge" knew so well about that (and please don't send me that...every time I read it, I start bawling my head off by the second line and I can't stop).

I can only go two, two and a half hours before my energy level drops. I'm most comfortable with groups of three to eight - never again will I do fourteen people as I did once, which ran just over three hours...because when I do this, it takes a very different form of energy to do it - neither physical nor mental nor emotional. Psychic energy, that's what it is, and I have to ramp it up to meet Spirit halfway - because Spirit is dialing down their energy level to meet me halfway as well. When I say this, I mean that we vibrate at different frequencies - we mortals are at a lower, denser vibration because we're in physical bodies and must work with this. Those in spirit are "discarnate" - not in physical bodies - and vibrate at much higher frequencies. (Another blog topic to look forward to!)

Two things I want to mention before finishing up this blog post. Well, three. First, love never dies. Never. Everything else - our mortal bodies, our physical and geographic surroundings, hatred, anger - dies. Love is the energy that runs this wonderful Universe in which we reside. That's the first thing. The second is that our loved ones truly do miss the two-way conversations and interactions they had with us when they were still here. They're still here with us, but in another dimension (more on that in a forthcoming blog) and they share in our moments of joy and sorrow and celebrations. If you feel Papa or Cousin Manny is in the same room, if you suddenly turn and expect to see them there and they're not - well, they are. You're tuning into them.

And finally, please bring on the questions! Try subscribing to this blog below (I'm not too terribly sure how that works but I know that once you're in, that same user name and password can be used for other blogs on - I want to hear your questions and thoughts!

Until then - Sue

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Art of Intuition with Valerie Rogers

Tonight I want to tell you about a great monthly workshop held by Valerie Rogers - The Art of Intuition. It's a painting workshop - whether you've never held a paintbrush in your life or you've painted for years, everyone is on the same level here. She calls it "abstract impressionistic painting."
Valerie's only rule is, you can't purposely draw something. The workshop is about painting the unknown through a process designed to help us let go and trust our inner selves - and it's an amazing process. I'm so used to thinking as I create that I was actually afraid to let go in the beginning, but once I realized where she was going with this, I painted and learned how to turn the canvas on each side and continue painting - without thinking. It was a breakthrough for me and I've continued the practice at home. The neat thing is, everyone has a different style of painting, from bold to muted, from simple to very complex, and it comes from within each person. As Valerie says, your painting will continue to speak to you long after the class.
Here are two samples of her own work:
What does it look like to you? Look at it from every angle, turn it around, let your mind make the associations. And here's one I purchased from her last year (out of sheer luck - I was the first one to ask about it!); it's titled "Healing Worlds." I lose myself in it every time I look at it:

There is one I've done that I'll post to the blog when I take a picture of it. But if I can do it, YOU can do it too! Her next workshop is on Saturday, February 5, from 10 am to 2 pm at Learning Light Foundation, 1212 E. Lincoln Ave., Anaheim CA 92805. Call 714-533-2311 for more information about it. After that she will go to the third Saturday of each month. See you there! - Sue

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What It's All About

The name of the blog comes from an e-mail newsletter I used to send out some years ago, when I was working under the name of Lilith Mageborn. I love trees and groves, and people have gathered in groves since the dawn of Time to learn, to communicate, to participate. (I took the photograph of the mossy tree at Filoli Gardens near Redwood City in northern California about a year ago.)

The primary focus of In Lilith's Grove is the metaphysical (mediumship, astrology, tarot, etc.) but I'll also delve into other areas of interest, and I encourage you to ask questions! I will also post my rates, and I'm in the process of developing classes at home in Fullerton as well as in Lakewood. Other teachers, psychics, and artists will also be highlighted.

It's a wonderful and glorious world out there and I encourage each and every one of you to follow your passions and to always ask questions and let the answers take you where they may!

Working on formatting this blog with my sister (bless her!!) is turning out to be very interesting and challenging...stay tuned...